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ARCHIVES : 309 forms

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POLA - Longitudinal Study on Age-Related Eye Diseases

Head : Delcourt Cécile, Centre de Recherche Inserm U897 "Epidémiologie et Biostatistiques"

Version 3


Last update : 09/05/2017


POLA - Longitudinal Study on Age-Related Eye Diseases

Head : Delcourt Cécile, Centre de Recherche Inserm U897 "Epidémiologie et Biostatistiques"

Main objective

To investigate risk factors of age-related eye diseases (Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), cataracts)

Inclusion criteria

Elderly people over 60 years of age living in Sète (Hérault)

PROXAIR - Etude de PROXimologie dans l’Asthme persIstant sévèRe

Head : Ponthieux Anne, Direction Relations Économiques et Institutionnelles

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


PROXAIR - Etude de PROXimologie dans l’Asthme persIstant sévèRe

Head : Ponthieux Anne, Direction Relations Économiques et Institutionnelles

Main objective

Assess physical, psychic and socio-economic impact on patients and spouse of severe persistent asthma treated with high-dose inhaler steroids and long-acting ß2 agonists (LABA), according to the asthma control level

Inclusion criteria

Patient inclusion Criteria :
- Ambulatory patients, able to cooperate, of either sex, at least 18 years of age.
- Patients with severe persistent asthma receiving for at least three months a continuous and stable treatment of high-dose inhaler steroids (≥ 1 000 µg/d of beclometasone dipropionate excluding micronized forms in metered-dose inhalers, ≥ 800 µg/d of beclometasone dipropionate in micronized form in metered-dose inhalers or ≥ 800 µg/j of budesonide or ≥ 500 µg/d of fluticasone propionate) and of inhaled long-acting ß2 agonists, administered:
either in the form of two specialties using one or two of the following inhalers: Aerolizer®, standard metered-dose inhaler, Autohaler, Diskus®, Turbuhaler®,
or in the form of a fixed association using one of the following inhalers: standard metered-dose inhaler, Diskus®, Turbuhaler®.
- Patients with FEV measurement in the previous month.
- Patients who brought their inhaled steroid treatment and inhaled long-acting ß2-agonist at the time of consultation.
- Patients in couple whether or not married
- Patients and relatives agree to participate

Patient non-inclusion Criteria :
- Patients with a non-asthmatic OCPD.
- Patients who had inhaled steroids or lLABA treatment change in the previous three months (add-on or change of drug, posology change).
- Patients and relatives refusing to participate to the study
- Parents/ those close unable to complete a self-questionnaire.
- Patients who do not live as a couple

- Cross-sectional study of the influence of exposure to glycol ethers on semen quality

Head : Multigner Luc, Inserm U625

Version 1


Last update : 10/20/2017


- Cross-sectional study of the influence of exposure to glycol ethers on semen quality

Head : Multigner Luc, Inserm U625

Main objective

To research the effect of past and current exposure to glycol ethers on semen quality.

Inclusion criteria

- homme
- âgé entre 20 et 55 ans
- employé de la ville de Paris
- n’ayant pas de facteurs de risque d’infertilité

ESCAL - Survey on Health and Eating Behaviours in Martinique

Head : Quénel Philippe, Directeur du LERES - IRSET U1085 Inserm

Version 1


Last update : 09/05/2017


ESCAL - Survey on Health and Eating Behaviours in Martinique

Head : Quénel Philippe, Directeur du LERES - IRSET U1085 Inserm

Main objective

The initial objectives of the health and eating habits survey were to identify: - The frequency of major diseases or their risk factors that affect the population of Martinique; - The nutritional status of the population and food intake in relation to potential risk factors; - Population habits in terms of food choices and frequency of consumption; - the population's habitual access to food.

Inclusion criteria

- 3 years and over - living in Martinique for 12 months preceding the survey and at the time of the survey

ASSESS - Assessment of Systemic Involvement and Progression for Patients with Primary Sjogren's Syndrome

Head : Gottenberg Jacques-Eric, U1109 Immuno-rhumatologie moléculaire

Version 2


Last update : 01/01/2019


ASSESS - Assessment of Systemic Involvement and Progression for Patients with Primary Sjogren's Syndrome

Head : Gottenberg Jacques-Eric, U1109 Immuno-rhumatologie moléculaire

Main objective

To prospectively determine for the first time the prevalence and risk factors for systemic complications and lymphoma in primary Sjögren's syndrome.

Inclusion criteria

- Men or women - adults - patients in tertiary centres for autoimmune diseases

ADEOS - Adherence evaluation of osteoporosis treatment

Head : Leclerc-Zwirn Christel, Laboratoire GSK

Version 1


Last update : 01/01/2018


ADEOS - Adherence evaluation of osteoporosis treatment

Head : Leclerc-Zwirn Christel, Laboratoire GSK

Main objective

Finalize and validate a self-administered instrument developed to evaluate adhesion to the treatment
of postmenopausal osteoporosis

Inclusion criteria

Over the age of 50 years;
Patient to whom has been prescribed one of the following osteoporosis treatments in the six months prior to the inclusion starting date:
bisphosphonates, selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM), or strontium ranelate;
Patient fluent in French and who has the cognitive and functional ability required to complete
the self-questionnaires included in the study on their own;
Informed patient who has given their oral consent to participate in this study

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